The Effect of Epidurals and Synthetic Oxytocin on Breastfeeding
Is the effect of epidurals and synthetic oxytocin on breastfeeding talked about? It should be…
Pre-Labour Vaginal Exams: Helpful, or Harmful?
Are you being offered a vaginal/cervical exam before labour “just to see what’s going on”? Here’s the info you need to make an informed decision on whether to say yes or no.
Why You Should Consider Hiring a Photographer For Your Birth
Birth Photographers capture way more than just the birthing part of birth.
I’ll Bring You Cake Every Day - The Last Weeks of Pregnancy And Talk of Induction
Your body isn’t broken, it’s working perfectly to bring your baby into this world.
How Your Doula Can Support You Even If You Met Yesterday - Why It’s Never Too Late to Hire a Doula
Are doulas still useful if you hire them on Sunday and then you start your birth process on Monday? Yes.
Hang On to Your Bag: why you shouldn’t let anyone break your waters
There is nothing “physiological” about a stranger sticking a crochet hook up your vagina and poking a hole in the amniotic sac where your baby resides.