How Your Doula Can Support You Even If You Met Yesterday - Why It’s Never Too Late to Hire a Doula

Hiring a doula well before your estimated due date will guarantee you a spot in their care, but maybe you didn’t even consider hiring one until 2 weeks before the arrival of your little one, and you only looked into it because you have an estranged relative saying that they will happily be joining you at your birth. I am here to tell you: It is never too late to hire a doula. 

After choosing and hiring your doula, you will usually have around 3 prenatals with them (every doula is different though!), and this is a great time to get to know each other a bit better (do you both frequent the same ramen place? Cool!) and get a feel for what you specifically need. I am personally passionate about prenatal education and giving families as much information as possible so that they can make informed decisions. (I also like to crack jokes, but I assure you, I am very professional). 

But what if you are short on time? Are doulas still useful if you hire them on Sunday and then you start your birth process on Monday? Yes. 

Here is my list of ways your doula can support you even if you met yesterday.

Create a Sense of Calm

This is a big one. It’s okay to feel nervous about birth - there are a lot of unknowns and sometimes previous traumas that can trigger anxiety for some. Doulas know a lot about birth, and often just their presence in the birthing space can help to soothe some of those anxieties. They can sit with you, listen to you if you want to share what you’re feeling, and answer questions if you have them. 

Help With Natural Pain Management

Something that I find incredible about a birthing person’s body is that as you journey through your labour, endorphins will be released that will help you cope with pain. However, there are other ways to manage labour, and doulas have quite a few tricks up their sleeves! Some of these things might be position suggestions to help you get rest, the use of a TENS machine, and more hands-on methods like counter pressure and massage.

Take Care of the Little Things

Did you forget to wash your dinner dishes and put your milk away? You can’t remember. (your doula did it for you).

Play With Older Children

This is especially helpful for second/third baby births! Sometimes the most helpful thing to have around is just an extra set of hands, or someone who is happy to read books to your 4-year-old. (Extra points if your doula has an active imagination and they make up stories instead).

Make Food/Snacks

I feel like this doesn’t need much explanation. I can’t say that I’ve ever met a person who functions well when they are hangry. It can be easy to forget to eat during birth, (it’s an exciting time!) but it’s important to keep nourishing yourself. Your doula will encourage you to do that, and if you don’t feel motivated to make anything, they will likely whip something up for you.

Offer Words of Encouragement & Reassurance 

The birth process can be exhausting (though it naturally has moments of rest), and it can be hard to see yourself as coping well, but I can guarantee you that you are, and your doula will remind you of that. They will also reassure you that what is happening is completely normal. (and they will encourage you to check in with your care provider if it’s not). 

Help You Decide When to Head to the Hospital

(Hint: it’s much later than you think). If you are having a hospital birth, there will be a time when you will need to move your pregnant, birthing body into some kind of moving vehicle. Sometimes it feels like the sooner you do that, the more “real” it is. (yes, this is really happening!) But ultimately, you are going to be much more comfortable at home where it’s warm, comfortable, you can choose your own music, light candles, and eat the pretzels that you bought from Costco. Your doula will know when it’s a good time to go! (to the hospital, not to Costco). 

Advocate For You 

Not everyone thinks that doulas should be advocates, but we are. From protecting your birth preferences, to letting you know what your rights are as the birther, encouraging you to ask your care providers for all the information and what your options are, and if you are uncomfortable, to help you find the words to express what you need - doulas are incredibly important to have in your corner.

Tidy Up Your Space

Sometimes the space that needs to be tidied is your home, and sometimes it’s a hospital room. Everyone feels better when things are neat and the socks are put away.

Sit With You, Take Photos

There are times during birth when you don’t necessarily want anyone to say anything, you just want to know that someone is there - that there is a hand to hold if you need it. Sometimes you might also want your doula to take some photos. Some doulas are more skilled with a camera, but a photo of a hug between partners during a contraction, or a snap of the first moments with baby are so wonderful to have. (even if they were taken on your phone). 

Bring You Food After Birth 

This is something that birthing families are often shy about. But when your doula asks “what do you want your first post-birth meal to be?” know that they will go to any place (within reason, I suppose, especially if it’s 3am) to get you a good, nourishing meal. And you should take them up on it! 

If you want to know more about what a doula can do for you, reach out to for a chat here !

If you want to read another post I did all about endorphins, you can find it here !

Take a look at one of my favourite (and incredibly flavorful!) soups to make —-> Carrot Soup With Chermoula


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